Upcoming Events
A Midsummer Night's Dream
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a whimsical comedy by William Shakespeare that intertwines the lives of humans and fairies. Set in a forest near Athens, the play follows four young lovers and a group of amateur actors who become entangled in the magical mischief of the fairy realm. The mischievous Puck, under the orders of Oberon, the fairy king, uses a love potion that causes chaos and comic confusion among the characters. Themes of love, transformation, and the interplay between reality and fantasy are explored through witty dialogue and enchanting scenes. The play ultimately concludes with harmony restored and multiple marriages, celebrating the joyful complexity of love and imagination.
Get your tickets at www.30byninety.com
Much Ado About Nothing
Join us as we take this classic Shakespeare comedy down the bayou! Enjoy a tale of unrequited love, denial, and betrayal as we follow some of Shakespeare’s most well-known characters as they navigate these waters to find true love. Through this play you will notice some familiar customs, hear familiar music, and hear familiar words as we put a Cajun twist on an iconic play.
Tickets will go on sale soon! Stay tuned to this page for more information!
Become A Volunteer
Interested in becoming a part of the Louisiana Shakespeare Company? We would be happy to have you!