Become a Sponsor.

You can help bring more Shakespeare to Louisiana

Every donation will help us fund our education programs and shows to help us achieve our mission of bringing Shakespeare to the community.

LSC is willing to customize any package to suit the needs for individual and corporate sponsors.
For more information, please download our sponsor packet here.

Individual Sponsorship Levels


Recognition on LSC’s website for the year

Groundlings Benefits PLUS:
Recognition in performance program


Guildsmen Benefits PLUS:
2 tickets to a season performance


Knights Benefits PLUS:
Name in digital promotional material


Earl Benefits PLUS:
Listed as Production Sponsor & a personalized social media post.


Nobility Benefits PLUS:
Framed Production Poster signed by cast & LSC t-shirt.

Royal Court


Royal Court Benefits PLUS:
5 tickets to exclusive donor gala.

Corporate Sponsorship Levels

Thank You, Donors!

  • Groundlings Level


    Daniel Causey

    Janet Sanchez

  • Guildsmen


    Annie Mae & MJ LeBlanc

  • Knights


  • Earl


    David Bouquet

  • Nobility


  • The Royal Court


  • Royalty
